
  • Katress_Gamer's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • Destruction

    Basicly you destroy buildings and things and who ever gets the most points wins! This is my ##### game. I will make a Destruction ## (Most likely, yes)

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  • 🚩Capture The Flag🚩

    Welcome to Capture The Flag! 🔥 New Update! 🔥 Please Join My Group! ~ Sunrise Studios ~ More updates will be coming soon! Game Play: So most people know how to play this game. But other people don't, and if you are, this is how you play: There are too teams, blue and red. They have flags in their middle base and if you are on blue, you have to try to get reds' flag and bring it back to your base!

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Katress_Gamer has no creations.