Private Servers

Visit this experience with friends and other people you invite.
See all your private servers in the Servers tab.


  • 100 KOstreak: A Grand Master Fighter

    You're a master of floating. A poet with a boat. You're a fighter. You're the best there is. This coveted badge is one of the hardest to get in WFYB. Earn this badge when you KO 100 players without dying.

    • Rarity
      0.0% (Impossible)
    • Won Yesterday
    • Won Ever
  • 50 KOstreak: A Master Fighter

    A lot of people like to call a 50 KOstreak an achievement, but we prefer to call it "halfway to 100." Earn this badge when you kill 50 players without dying.

    • Rarity
      0.0% (Impossible)
    • Won Yesterday
    • Won Ever
  • 25 KO: A Great Fighter

    When we realized that the 50 KOstreak badges 0.1% success rate is marked as "Impossible" by Roblox, we made this one. Turns out 1% is still "Impossible". Earn this badge when you KO 25 players without dying.

    • Rarity
      0.2% (Impossible)
    • Won Yesterday
    • Won Ever
  • Passes

    There are currently no running experiences.